Massive Clip Art Library

Utilize our extensive library of clip art to design a custom engraved brick you’ll love.

View Our Clip Art By Category:

Animals Hearts & Stars

Sports Religious

Military Borders

Food & Construction

Life & Organizations

Flowers + Nature

Our clip art library features hundreds of unique designs perfect for tailoring every brick to your campaign's specific needs. Pairing clip art with one of our many exotic font choices makes for a truly personalized brick engraving experience.

What about custom designs?

You bet! Our team of skilled designers can take your organizations custom logo, insignia or emblem and engrave it directly on a brick of your choice. 

Want to offer clip art to your donors? 

Great! We offer custom donor websites that can prominently feature a clip art menu curated by you and our brick fundraising specialists.   

Matching Brochures/Fliers

We also offer physical marketing material creation options for your campaign. We have templates for order forms, fliers, brochures and more available for download from out Fundraiser Success Kit.

The Bricks Engraving team is here to support your fundraising efforts throughout your entire campaign. With 8 years of experience delivering exceptional quality engraved bricks, 24/7 marketing support and industry leading customer service, we are the best choice in the brick fundraising to help your organizations campaign reach its goals.